Saturday, March 29, 2014

Original Art Sale

Tax season hit me harder than expected this year, and now I'm scrambling to get extra funds before the 15th to pay off what I owe.
So I've reduced prices by half or lower for everything in my Etsy store from now till April 15th.
If you've ever wanted an original piece from me, now would be the ideal (and most helpful) time to buy.

And if you email me any character you like, I'll throw in a quick 3x5 sketch of them with any order.


! Art HERE !

Friday, March 28, 2014

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Harmonica's Bridegroom

I really like how this one turned out.
Out now on Amazon
Concepts here

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Monday, March 10, 2014

Sleep Paralysis: What It Is and How To Stop It

I make a lot of book covers as I'm sure you've seen, but few are as meaningful to me as this one. I was thrilled to be able to work on it with Chris White, as its a fantastic and coherent explanation of Sleep Paralysis that answers the questions on what it is and provides a solution that actually works, even though Science teaches there is no solution.

If you experience any form of sleep paralysis and are like me having read all the explanations on whats going on and why it happens etc. but felt like the answers are mixed, contradictory, unhelpful or don’t even apply to you, then you should read this book. It details the only answer that works.

Its out now on Amazon

And there’s a free audiobook version online here

This video is the short version of ‘how to stop it’ as well

Concepts here

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Merrick: The Sensational Elephant Man

Drew this pin up for the Merrick: The Sensational Elephant Man comic.
They are running a Kickstarter right now to raise funds for future issues of the comic, which as an added bonus to generate interest they've provided issue #1 for free to give people a taste of the world.

Original art for sale here