Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Horrors of Literature (11-20)


damon said...

i love your work

Anonymous said...

i like......

Jess said...


Robin said...

ooooh, the Horla... yes.

mike r baker said...

Brilliant. Love the Grendel. Love 'em all.

Ben Evans said...

If you don't mind, could you tell me what some of these are from? Particularly the Care Giver and Tonga.

M. S. Corley said...

The Caregiver is from Edgar Allan Poe's story "The Tell-Tale Heart" and Tonga is from Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock story "The Sign Of Four".

I labeled which story and author each horror is from on my 'HoL' Flikr Set.

Carla Rodrigues said...

Amazing work, the Deep Ones look awesome. Seems like I might have to start following your blog. Amazing art, Lovecraft fan... yeah, you seem to be all around cool :D

Pedro Larroza said...

WHOA! All brilliant. Coming from an aspiring illustrator.

Tonga is brilliant and my personal favourite.

Since I'm a Conan Doyle fan, I would have loved to spot The Hound of the Baskervilles among this (literally) Terrific gallery.


Pedro Larroza.

Pedro Larroza said...

When I said "Coming from an aspiring illustrator", OBVIOUSLY, I meant MYSELF...

Just to clarify any possible ambiguity...


M. S. Corley said...

Pedro, glad you like my horrors.

I've been working on them forever it seems...

I could always do a hound of baskerville as I'm planning on making at least 50 of these, and there's no reason to not have two Conan Doyle representations.

keep around and you'll probably see it up sometime