Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Jungle Book for iPad

I'm thrilled to announce the release of The Jungle Book for iPad.
This has been in the works for a little more than a year and has just hit the app store in time for Christmas.
It was a collaboration with the makers of Alice for the iPad and the team at Smashing Ideas and is published by Random House Digital, inc.

There are lots of illustrations in the book, but here are a few for you to see. They are all interactive with sound-scapes and sound effects and there is a top notch voice recording of the abridged storybook version. The pages with blank areas are where story text appears in the book. It pretty fantastic, but I may be biased. You can also see concept art for it here.


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! Beautiful. My sister would love this.

Off to get it for her.

Kenney said...


Matt Mikalatos said...

I just bought it!

M. S. Corley said...


Anonymous said...

Excellent pots, i like your post very much. Thanks a lot for sharing !!

Joseph said...

This looks amazing. One of my favorite things you've posted here.

Unknown said...

Wow!! Mike that is so awesome. Beautiful work. And how in the world do you know Matt mikalatos!?

Unknown said...

Wow!! Mike that is so neat, beautiful work. And how in the world do you know Matt mikalatos!?

Unknown said...

Did I just post a bunch if times? Sorry about that...

Joseph said...

I bought the app. Can't wait to show my kids tonight.

You probably don't have control over this, but I think its high price is going to limit it's success. (compare to the recent highly successful "The Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore" priced at $4.99). I bought the app because I have been following your work and am a fan who wants to support, but the high price tag might be too high a barrier to entry for others.

M. S. Corley said...


I agree, I was actually surprised to see it was 8.99 but like you said I had no control over it. It was probably a decision Random House made with whatever reasoning.

4.99 seems more reasonable, but I know very little about the app business

I appreciate the support though!

Beki Beane said...

Mike...This is fantastic! Don't have an iPad, but if I did I would buy it! this is legit! We miss seeing you guys, but love that we can see your work online! Keep on doing what you love! the Beanes

adam taylor said...

Mike! That is so awesome! The pictures are great. How exciting to work with such great clients.