Thursday, October 30, 2008

Horrors of Literature (1-10)


  1. I love these guys. Me and Priscilla have been working on a side project of monsters like these but more traditional than folklore...if that makes sense. This gives me inspiration. Keep up the greatness.


    p.s. Thanks for all the comments on my blog, yo. Most appreciated. I also shat in my pants from your art as well. Stay inspiring.

  2. Simply genious! I'm a peruvian writer, so if a writer's word worth I had to say it's glorious. Oh... the Slash picture, for a GNR fan, it's an amazing thing.
    Visit my blog if you wish:
    See you.

  3. Absolutely brilliant series! Love what you're doing here! Peas & Luv - Brian

  4. Thank you SO much for making sure that the Headless Horseman had a cannonball sized gouge in his head. People always seem to forget. :-)

    My fave is Frankenstein's...perfect portrayal. Excellent.

  5. I love your choice of characters...I particularly enjoyed the one of Alcasan's Head. There is almost no iconography for Lewis' That Hideous Strength. and to see an example was like seeing an unexpected friend. Your talent is wedded to taste!
