Thursday, February 12, 2009

Harry Potter Redesign

Redesigned The Harry Potter book covers to look like classic Penguin Books.
Thanks everyone for your overwhelming interest in these!
Time will tell if anything happens with them...


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fantu❤ said...

this are gorgeous! i would buy them all if they were in print.louis

Amber Melton said...

These are awesome get them published more. canon pc430 personal copier

George said...

Nice covers. It's realizing ideas of Harry Potter.
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Ayana Walter said...

These are awesome!
Get them Published :)
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Anonymous said...

Wonderful! They're lovely.

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stocksanta said...

Anything to do with Harry Potter is cool. Thanks for posting. psychic

superficialblu said...

These are fantastic. I love the parts of the books you chose to focus on.

If I saw these in a store I would buy them all on the spot!

Unknown said...

I disagree with the subtitle comments, i like the sizing and placement. Give a retro printing feeling to me, true to penguin.
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Anonymous said...

Woh it is nice dude you are great thanks for the sharing.

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Anonymous said...

WOW. Can't believe I haven't seen these until now. Amazing designs to resemble Penguin's classic books. This display of work definitely shows a graphic designer who has done their research.

Anonymous said...

i really like your photos ! the covers redesign ! they're vintage ! well, they look like vintage but are so great !!!!

SamanthaSue said...

I'm a huge fan of the cover art with Mary GrandPré's work, but these are just amazing! I would love to have a set of these alongside my originals.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your tips, its tips like these that actually do make a difference to the individual readers of this blog. Thank you and well done.

Cindy said...

I like these designs than the original ones. Nice work. Cindy@ silk wedding bouquets

Unknown said...

I must say that the art design of the cover is quite good. its always fun to go a contemporary because there's so much more you can do with it. fantastic.
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Unknown said...

Absolutely lovely. Well-chosen imagery from each story.

Thanks for sharing this post.

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Unknown said...

Are you going to the publishers for selling your redesign work?

Watch the interviews, trailers and behind the scenes of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part-1 and many more videos

Jennifer Allan said...

According to Rowling, a major theme in the series is death: "My books are largely about death. They open with the death of Harry's parents. There is Voldemort's obsession with conquering death and his quest for immortality at any price, the goal of anyone with magic. I so understand why Voldemort wants to conquer death. We're all frightened of it."

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Unknown said...

I need these! The Harry Potter covers done by Mary Grandpre make me so sad. THEY ARE SO HORRIBLE! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let these happen!

Anonymous said...

It’s really great post. I would like to appreciate your design and would like to tell to my friends. Thanks for sharing

Herman S. Calderon said...

Something like a horror here i found your blog from yahoo and i think it is great one

Adam Banks said...

We're loving these at @macusermagazine. Even better than the other Penguin revival mashups that are doing the rounds; the Pelican/Saul Bass nexus is where it's at. My only tiny comment, as an editor: the capital letter on "And" is just wrong, even if it pleases you typographically :)

Keanu Smith said...

This is an awesome design that has been shared here. Great article and thanks for sharing this post.

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cipa said...

These are awesome!
Get them Published :)

Madhuranjan Kumar said...

oooh interesting ! i thinks get them published thanks for sharing with us
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Matt said...

Nice redesign. I actually like them better than the originals, but I haven't read all of them.

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Unknown said...

What a creative idea. This brings me back to grade school library hour. Somehow, I really prefer a simple, clean design like these over the original.

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Anonymous said...

great ideea for redesign, thanks

Unknown said...

I would get these if they ever got published.

Anonymous said...

I am inspired by these designs, very inspiring and gorgeous.
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Christina Gomes said...

They are some awesome harry potter redesign images.
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Tyrell McGrath Tinnin said...

Loved these so much, I decorated my sons birthday cake using the illustration from the first book. Thanks for the inspiring work. Find me(Tyrell Tinnin) on facebook to see a pic of the cake.

Anonymous said...

Wow, thats really cool redesign of book. This is absolutely perfect.
Deana from Brochure Design.

Leigh said...

amazing! Now with Rowling seriously considering eBooks, I would love to see your covers be used for the eBook versions! :)

Tommy said...

These are absolutely lovely. May I feature them on my blog,

Vu Duo said...

The order of the Pheonix was the best i've read so far,
Harry Potter taking on Death Eaters and all that action,
him and the crew ,
hermoine, ron, luna, neville taking rides on threatals,
hagrid fighting, meeting his brother who happens to be a gaint,
Dumbledore knocking out Ministry of Magics superiors
that book is hot!!!

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M. S. Corley said...

@Tommy, posting them is fine with me!

Smike Ally said...

nice one, I was inspired by your post...

Angel said...

Great and cool designs.

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Adrian said...

The redesigns are awesome. I especially liked the 1st and 5th design thanks you for mall design

Unknown said...

I am just stumbling upon these, very nice concepts! Would be interested in what the spine design would like compared to the old penguin books.

Essayprovider said...

Great design work you doing dude, thanks for sharing such nice art work.
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Anonymous said...

The type doesn't have to be the same size as "Harry Potter" but too small as isApcalis ||

admin said...

Wonderful... I won't buy it because It still is HP but they should be published... and for once it seems the book designer has actually read the books and not just the title (see Pratchett's american covers)Bali Villas

Anonymous said...

Great collection.Keep up the great work.

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Anonymous said...

Great designs like these make me want to pick up the books and read them all over again!

D said...

Just amazing!They have that amazing old Penguin book flair!

Logo Design said...

These picture are really awesome.You really inspired me.Well chosen imagery form each story

Christina Gomes said...

Those harry potter redesign posters are awesome..
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Anonymous said...

Wonderful work..
This is a really good collection, a great resource for inspiration. Several are wonderful.
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Anonymous said...

Good to see the designs, thanks for posting these.
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Joyce said...

Excellent Harry Potter redesign.

Thanks a lot.

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Jennifer Aniston said...

These are really awesome
i would like to buy all of them.

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Paul said...

It looks nice, I think this could be a real hit with some proper advertising bet bonus

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Laurentiu said...

I love so much these photos with Harry Potter.I was thinking to start a fan page for Harry Potter and I think I might use one of these paintingsThank you so much.

Anonymous said...

The design covers are all very interesting and simple

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Elisabeth said...

Wow! I like these so much more than the current covers! I would buy these instead of borrowing the books if they were the covers!

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Cool ! publish them...

Sunitha M said...

Wow, really wonderful Harry Potter designs here. I just love it. Thanks for the share! joomla development

Nothing more delightful said...

I love them and I'd immediately buy them!

Elysian said...

I am a biggest fan of Harry Potter series. It is really a classy design for the Harry Potter Book. Really waiting for these amazing prints.

Money Mega Mart said...

very interesting post! cheers

Just Friends said...

Thanks for sharing . :)

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Deus Inferi said...

You know, even do the franchise is so successfull the literature cuality on this books is very low, i though i was going to encounter something like the Lord of the Rings, but naaa....


Ashes said...

I love the art, but total spoilers for those who haven't read them all yet. (aka my boyfriend who has been taking his time with them lol)

williambenn said...

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Anonymous said...

I certainly enjoyed the way you explore your experience and
knowledge of the subject! Keep up on it.

Álvaro Laviana Marín said...

I love your redesign. I wish it was used in an official re-release of HP ;)

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