Thursday, February 12, 2009

Harry Potter Redesign

Redesigned The Harry Potter book covers to look like classic Penguin Books.
Thanks everyone for your overwhelming interest in these!
Time will tell if anything happens with them...


  1. Oooh interesting! I like them. Ok so this series I've actually read and I love looking at cover artwork AFTER reading them to see the insight. I like what you've done.

  2. These are awesome!
    Get them Published :)

    Call Scholastic! :D

  3. this are gorgeous! i would buy them all if they were in print.

  4. Absolutely gorgeous! I'm a big fan of that era of Penguin design; you've done the concept proud with these!

  5. Wonderful... I won't buy it because It still is HP but they should be published... and for once it seems the book designer has actually read the books and not just the title (see Pratchett's american covers)

  6. Inspiration maybe?

  7. I was inspired by Olly and Spacesick's current penguin projects, Olly with the videogames, and Spacesick with the movies you can read series. I for one just wanted to remake book covers.

  8. Absolutely lovely. Well-chosen imagery from each story.

  9. Very nice, but presenting the rest of the title (after "Harry Potter") as a subtitle may be problematic. The type doesn't have to be the same size as "Harry Potter" but too small as is.

  10. Most of Olly Moss's work is a ripoff from old graphic design books and old book covers so how can you ripoff a ripoff???/

  11. They're lovely. I love modernism and I love Harry Potter.

    It's not a rippoff, just a very good design exercise that Olly started.

  12. These are great! I love how you added your own style into the mix (though I agree that the subtitles should be given more prominence).

  13. These are DELIGHTFUL! Admittedly, some of the story is given away in some of them, like #3... But how could anyone resist the woodcut aesthetic? Great design work. (Found this via Book Design Review.)

  14. I disagree with the subtitle comments, i like the sizing and placement. Give a retro printing feeling to me, true to penguin.

  15. Cool design! If these were for sale, I would buy them. Really great job.

  16. what's ugly about it???????????????? It's beautiful without getting fancy. It's wonderful!

  17. I think the illustrations and color choices are phenomenal, and give off a nostalgiac feel to the covers, but I find the kerning in the type distracting. Some letters are appropriately kerned, while others are too far apart. Other than that, good work

  18. these are totally fab!

  19. I think they are very cool- subtle, simple, style!

  20. Got here through Joseph Sullivan's blog.

    Love these! Simple and graphic and you got to the core of the books. And they really do look like Penguin classics! ;)

  21. Brilliant. I might just have to print them out and wrap it on the original books :p

  22. Genius. Thank you for making me very happy.

  23. These are cool. #7 is rather disturbing, though. I love the Hogwarts seal on #1.

    Parker P

  24. Absolutely enchanting. I would buy the whole set.

  25. You should consider prints — perhaps, even, some large 3 foot wide prints like Penguin did for a number of its titles.

  26. Wow, I would so buy these if they were available, even if they were just available as prints and not the whole book (call Scholastic!!!)

  27. Sweeeet!

    Masterfully done, Sir. I'd buy 'em even though I have no interest in Harry Potter otherwise.

  28. These are so beautiful! The Penguin design treatment/style really makes the Harry Potter stories more serious (less like children's stories)and more like well respected literature(classics). It's nice to see these designs instead of the current illustrations that try to fit too much information in and gold lettering that are the covers now.I dig your work. Very impressive. I'd like to see these in a store now. :D

  29. It's called "The Sorcerer's Stone" not Philosopher...

  30. As pastiches they're fun. But they aren't Penguin Classics. They imitate Marber's 1962 grid, three bands of different width separated by rules, above an image. The Penguin Classics of the era used a simpler single band over the image, and Helvetica caps. This was Facetti's work. So were the Modern Classics, with, from the 60s into the 80s, a variety of grid formats. But your work, I repeat, folows the crime then fiction cover grid devised by Marber. gives you a lead into other Penguin material.

  31. No... I don't want to bicker, just to let my opinion be known. I think I don't like the way he used black, and I don't like the style at all. I think covers of America editions're wonderful! And I feel stunned that you're so excited, Ian Shimkoviak. Hmm, I didn't meant to offend anybody, hope you all understand.

  32. These are beautiful! I will be checking back frequently to find out when they are available as prints!

  33. Love these! I found your blog through Design Work Life, and I'm now a loyal subscriber--and just like everyone else, I'll be checking back to buy the prints as soon as they're available

  34. James Mackay, I did not intend that by saying these look like ‘Penguin Classics’ they followed the Classic format used, but simply classic as a well-known type of older penguin books.
    I’m aware that there were many grid formats, as I own the ‘Penguin by Design’ book which is where I first learned this. I chose the crime format because I liked the layout most for what I wanted to create. These are entirely and intentionally pastiches.

  35. Finally! These books were in dire need of a complete re-design. I already own the series (though the covers are hidden away), but as soon as these covers come out (and I hope they do!) I'll be re-buying every damn book.

  36. I'm with Shane. Beautiful work, just please correct the letter spacing.


  37. Fantastic! I have some reservations about The Deathly Hallows cover... but otherwise very nicely done!

  38. i just had a heart attack because of you.

    thanks a a lot.

  39. We liked these a lot at Readerville. See

  40. These are fabulous. I also want to purchase a set.

  41. Those are seriously great designs. Really nice job. They have that amazing old Penguin book flair. If they were available I would be forced to purchase books that I already own.

  42. wow wow wow excellent, i love harry and i just love the classic penguin cover

  43. Great concept. The simplified forms help to relate these to larger themes in literature. Rather than just the basalisk and Griffendor's sword, you also have the knight and the dragon, the menace and victory.

    I love the psychological feel of the Deathly Hallows cover; that image is the essence of "you know who" and how his undoing was internal and very much his own. In general, excellent choice of subject matter.

    I don't feel the covers give anything away either. Unless, I'd already read the third book I wouldn't know that you'd pictured the time turner.

    And a response to the comment about the first book's title: the original British edition of was called the "Philosopher's Stone." The American version (for illiterate boneheads who don't want to mix intellect with magic) was called "The Sorcerer's Stone." I'm glad you went with the British title.

  44. It's called "The Sorcerer's Stone" not Philosopher...

    It's both actually. In Europe it was released as 'The Philosopher's Stone' but in America it became 'The Sorcerer's Stone'.

  45. Thanks for writing back! It's nice to meet you, in that virtual web sort of way.

  46. Bravo, these covers are gorgeous - I'm also loving the re-designed look for the Lemony Snicket series :)

  47. These would be perfect as covers for a Kindle edition of the Harry Potter series.

  48. it might have been nice for you to credit olly moss somewhere for your inspiration, but i do agree that they look great.

  49. Anna. "Good artists copy, great artists steal." --Olly Moss

  50. If you notice on the 7th comment, I said that Olly and Spacesick were my inspiration...

  51. No matter the inspiration, these designs are lovely and will hopefully be published!!

  52. These are amazing! The New Yorker's Book Bench blog linked me here in their 'In the News' segments. Love them all especially the "Azkaban" cover.

  53. These are fantastic! I would buy all seven again to have these covers on them! They make you think about each book in a different light, like seeing it again for the first time. Absolutely marvelous!

  54. I absolutely adore these!

  55. I'm not a HP fan, but these covers are just RIGHT. they hit the mark. i love the retro-ness.
    well done.

  56. these are awesome. i'd buy the whole series. waiting for the prints...

  57. these are brilliant. i love them.

  58. how much will they be in print?

  59. The cost will be determined by how much the printing is plus a poster tube, and approximate shipping. I should know in the next couple days.

  60. oh man, i keep checking back on this post 'cause i'm super-interesting to hear what the cost will turn out to be.

    any idea what size you think the covers will be?

    i have the UK books with the "adult" covers on them... i think the size of my books are slightly different from editions.

  61. "any idea what size you think the covers will be?"

    Unfortunately I won't be printing them sized to be placed on your HP books, I imagine there would be more legalities with that than just printing art prints.

    I will be providing poster prints, I'm going to have two options, one where you can buy all covers on one poster, or you can get each cover individually.

  62. I have the "adult" version of the Bloomsbury HP books.
    It's strange that Scholastic didn't publish "adult" versions of the books like Bloomsbury.
    So, go on, call them!

  63. I'm glad these will be prints! I'll certainly be in line for one (if not more...)

  64. These are brilliant. I never much cared for the book cover design of the american editions, and the british versions are a little better. But these are simple, clean, and concise visual interpretations of the material. Well done! I posted a blurb about your project on my site to spread the love as well.

  65. Oh, these are sublime! Although the American covers were fine when I was 10, they never felt like good, strong covers to me.

    But your covers look both modern and contemporary. They scream 20th century and I love that it removed the HP books from the icky GrandPre mould.

    Can't wait for the prints!

  66. Very impressive conceptual re-designs of Harry potter book.

    Great ones.

  67. I don't really get the 5th one... is that the egg in which time passed in the Department of Mystification ?

  68. Love it. These should definitely be on the books.

  69. These are AMAZING! I love everything about them. I agree with Frak... Get them published!!!

  70. Hey, you should contact Raincoast too. They publish the editions in Canada, and they've been using the covers from Bloomsbury's UK editions. However, Raincoast & Bloombury parted ways last year, and it is very possible that they might be open to rebranding the books, in particular the adult editions. Most of the previous Raincoast adult eds have gone out of print -- the time is ripe for a fresh reprint with a great new look!

  71. These are fantastic! Great job.

  72. Solid design-- I love it. My favorite is the 4th cover.... the maze is great.

  73. High Schoolers across the country in 50 years will groan when their English teacher passes out these books :)

  74. I LOVE these! I already own the UK first editions, but I would definitely buy the whole series again if these were published!

  75. gag
    doesn't go with the stories at all

  76. Muy buenas la tapas.Lastima que aca sale diferente

  77. i'll definitely buy this if it's going to be published-!

  78. Those covers look great! I really like them.

  79. These are perfect, both in terms of the HP books and the Penguin style. You're a bloody genius.

  80. It's called "The Sorcerer's Stone" not Philosopher...Eh, wrong. The British version of the book is indeed called HP and the Philosopher's Stone. The American version is Sorcerer's.

    BEAUTIFUL covers. I have sent them into, the web's leading Harry Potter website. Check it out! You might just get on there!

  81. Kat,
    Thanks for sending them into, it would be cool if they went up there.

    And thanks everyone for the kind words.

  82. I really like them as well, but it's not "Philosopher's stone" it's "Sorcerer's Stone".. Otherwise good job..

  83. Comment #97, are you a troll or just ignorant?

    Amazing work - I was linked here through the redesigned Snicket covers, but the whole project is inspired.

  84. hey

    i just had to turn this amazing work into a real book for my personal use:

  85. These are stunning... I especially love the choice of subject for book 7...

    I'm sorry, just reading these comments... did somebody really just post "It's sorcerer's stone, not philosopher's!" That just made my day.

    well done on these pieces!

  86. perfectos. me encantaron

  87. SO GOOD!

    i would totally buy them even if i already own all harry potter books in german and english. get them published!!!

  88. Wendy, if you don't want to bicker or offend anyone, it would help to have a more eloquent and reasoned comment than "OMG ugly".

  89. looks so good.
    Is clear the big influence of Saul Bass.

  90. Any updates on this?! I really hope they get published!

  91. No new news about getting them actually published... I've done all I that I can think to do.

    Something cool though, if you go to this years Harry Potter Azkatraz show in San Francisco (google it) a set of prints will be in the gallery show, and auctioned off with the proceeds going to a children's charity. Cool stuff.

    Maybe someone influential in the book industry will see them and help get them published!

  92. I was completely blown away, very nice designs.

  93. I would love these on my DVDs of the films. They's miles beyond the crap that the movies come with.

  94. Just fantastic! They look like covers of my parents' old paperback books :-D. Reminds me a bit of my early childhood.

  95. I would TOTALLY buy the entire series if they looked like this!!

  96. That looks gorgeous. They are so iconic and descriptive, much better at conveing the subject of the story then the curent covers.

  97. Yeh they’re aesthetically brilliant but the essence of Harry potter is lost. It was originally a children’s book for children. Yes it has grown into an international all age’s phenomenon but it seems that when the adults became involved the book itself was lost in the advertising etc. and therefore I don’t believe these covers suit the book, as beautiful as they are. I’m glad the book is appealing to different age groups but it should still essentially be a child’s book and not adjusted to the tastes of an adult generation whose sole intentions are to keep them in pristine condition in the hope that in later years they can be soled at a profit. That is not what Harry potter is about

  98. Very Penguin, very nostalgic, incredible empathy towards our established and much loved publisher.
    Just stumbled over your re-design of the Harry Potter books - design genius and totally collectable. love the retro graphic and print style.

  99. Hmm ... the designs are interesting, but if I'd seen them without the words, I'd never think of the Harry Potter books. My personal vote still goes for the Bloomsbury children's version. Those feel just right.

  100. These are great! I love the symbolism. Harry Potter is the best, I saw the movie like the day it came out. This is my review;

  101. Dear brother,
    this very nice coverpage

  102. Absolutely lovely..nice post..

  103. Can you help me ?
    What represents the last cover ? (Harry potter and the deathly hallows) I can't remember or is it your imagination ? I don't know ! Is Harry the baby ?

  104. OOH i forgot i like it !
    These are wonderful !
    Nice job

  105. gorgeous, bur some historys are given away D: couldn't be the real covers, for those who haven't read the books, bur just perfect to ilustrate then *_*

  106. I HAVE AN IDEA! Make them into DUST COVERS so instead, people who already have the Harry Potter series can use it as there own covers for their HP books!

  107. I love these! Very nice job. I do agree with the poster with the dust cover idea. I would definately by them...

  108. I just came across your blog and I am pleasantly surprised. These are seriously amazing! So much better, than the original covers. I really hope that some day the HP are reprinted with these covers. I'd buy them. I think the DH is particularly neat. Good luck!

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  110. I think these are so amazing. You definitely did great work.dallas cosmetic dentist

  111. i HAVE l the books but i dont understand the picture on book six can some one please explain it to me? btw im 14 and single

  112. dont worry i understand now its the inferi hands and water and the bottem of the boat

  113. M.S.,
    You did a clever job and the exercise is a great one. Pay no mind to those negative comments. I have never understood why people find it necessary to state negatives for no other benefit than hearing their opinion stated to themselves.

    “Envy is the art of counting the other fellow's blessings instead of your own.”
    Harold Coffin

    Keep growing. No artist has ever created anything original except God.

    - oomingmak

  114. just stumbled upon this. these are are wonderful!

  115. Harry poteri the twisted minds of many people. And you liked. I want to return time wizards

  116. The penguin design is absolutely awesome

  117. I love your designs!!! I grew up loving the harry potter books, but I've always disliked the book art. I wish I could replace my current harry potter collection with your book designs!

  118. Your designs are amazing! They're simple and the covers show the highlight of the story. Are the books available in these covers?

  119. Brilliant knockoffs of early 60s graphic design. For that reason, they kind of depress me. They look like the kind of shopworn, yellowing paperbacks I'd have found in an used bookshop as a teenager.

  120. Bloomsbury is about to release an official redesign, but I think your covers did a much better job of capturing each story.

    I like these so much I included them in my latest blog post (

    Keep up the great work!

  121. Alaina,

    I appreciate commenting about my version of the covers on your blog.

    I saw these new Bloomsbury covers today on a couple different sites and was surprised about the ammount of people comparing mine to the official paperbacks that will be relased. While I can't say mine are better, it is a nice feeling to see people are sill intersted in these over a year later.

    I dream that someday Scholastic in the U.S. would publish mine in paperback. Of course I would probably have to drop the Marber grid which is Penguin's property, but I know I could keep the same overall feel. Lofty dreams, yes.

  122. Very interesting this covers.I will buy them all tomorow when I go to the library.

  123. Very well written article for those thinking about Harry Poter. Thanks!

  124. will you ever be selling prints of these? or did you already and I missed it?

  125. I am not legally allowed to sell prints of these

  126. These are really wonderful.Nice job Mr.Creative.

  127. Oo I love them because I like and I found that is very interesting.

  128. Keep growing. No artist has ever created anything original except God. I agree with that!!!!!

  129. Harry Poter my favorite caracter

  130. They're sweet. I love modernism, cubic art and I love Harry Potter.

  131. I think they are very cool. I like allot what you've done.

  132. I love Harry Potter and you Portray Harry Porter series redesign very nicely. I'm impressed.

  133. it is good that we can see something like this. Design it is great and we could learn something from this. Thanks for your efforts

  134. Thanks for sharing this, it's a great post!

  135. Get excited and enthusiastic about you own dream. This excitement is like a forest fire - you can smell it, taste it, and see it from a mile away.

  136. Superb Designs. Many thanks for sharing these beautiful designs. I especially liked the 7th design "And the Deathly Hallows". Kudos to you :)

  137. To be honest the Harry Potter books I do not like, I prefer watching movies.

  138. Thank you for the share, keep impressing.

  139. Good stuff, nice to see a lot of ones suitable for portfolios/photo blogs.

  140. I wish you could put nav links for each section of the huge list. Otherwise, terrific.

  141. Wow great collection. Thanks!

  142. thx 4 sharing these r great!

  143. I love Manifest! Great work all round though.

  144. My portfolio is based on Sharpfolio :) sweet collection!

  145. Cool selection, good for design inspiration too!

  146. Very impressive collections and I like the fact that is hows how much vareity of deisgn you can have using one syste.

  147. Great collection. Irresistible has been one of my favorites. some more good themes can be found here

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  150. Thank for your great post..

  151. These are awesome!
    Get them Published :)

    Call Scholastic! :D

  152. Harry Pottcha? Cool, my kids would love these!

  153. What a wonderful design.I am very glad to see it

  154. The redesign is a bit weird though. I prefer the original design. Sorry.
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  155. Very creative. I found you through
    ( and was very interested in the way in which you worked to represent the stories! Very insightful. Thanks for putting these out there. I've been thinking about the way in which cover design and art alongside text in books (i'd be interested in your take - (

    Ps: i don't normally include links in comments but I hope that you do come and joint the conversation!

  156. I really liked 2nd and 7th design.... Many thanks for sharing....

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  157. Oo I love them because I like and I found that is very interesting.

  158. These are perfect, both in terms of the HP books and the Penguin style. You're a bloody genius.

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  166. Your article is written very content, All of the projects look great! Keep the Ball Rolling. Thanks!

  167. Absolutely lovely. Well-chosen imagery from each story.

    Thanks for sharing this post.

  168. I quite love the Deathly Hallows one. Great representation of the child-like "creature" in Harry's afterlife... world... thing.

  169. The redesigns are awesome. I especially liked the 1st and 5th design.
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