Thursday, April 30, 2009

We all have to grow up...


  1. Fantastic. I wonder if Hobbes sits in a chair with reading glasses on in the dorm room, while Calvin studies? :)

  2. Oh … that is nice. Well done!

  3. I've always been a huge fan of Calvin and Hobbes. This rendition really struck me. I think it's great, but I feel conflicted about it. Part of me wants to see them doing something stupid or dangerous and having a great time doing it. But the other part of me knows that they would end up being this introspective and calm. They seem well-balanced and well-grounded which would naturally and so perfectly stem from the childhood they shared.

  4. As a long time Calvin & Hobbes fan, I'm floored. Amazing.

  5. I gasped when this loaded and it really struck a cord with me as well. This is absolutely stunning. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Sad. I guess this tell which generation I grew up in.

    My first thought when I saw this beautiful picture, was of Christopher Robin and Tigger.

    I didn't come into the whole Calvin & Hobbes genre (and I still love it) until I was "grown up." Sigh.

    B Woodman

  7. Absolutely in love with this!

  8. Holy cow - I love C& H -that is a freaking hot toon!

  9. It never came to me that the red trees are also autumn trees. That's great!

  10. woah! that actually brought a tear to my eye.
    I love Calvin and Hobbes..

  11. This is wonderful. Have always loved Calvin & Hobbes.

  12. Oh, very cool. Just...everything. :)

  13. Wow. I actually teared up as well. So cool!

  14. Absolutely beautiful. They look so relaxed, enjoying each other's company, it's perfect!

  15. When does the tiger turn on the man? In what forest does the man release the tiger? Not Joy Adams, but Dante—not Elsa, but Virgil …

    Nel mezzo del camin del nostra vita …

  16. what kind of snowmen does he make, now?

  17. It's really more of a William Blake moment. Tiger! Tiger! burning bright / In the forests of the night, / What immortal hand or eye / Dare frame thy fearful symmetry? I think they have a sort of 'spring-loaded' look to them, as if the moment you take your eyes off them they are READY! for some outrageous activity. I bet they didn't go to college. They went hiking in western China, or Siberia, looking for the other tigers.

  18. Re: Horrors of literature.
    So, you are a fan of M.R. James? What are you going to do about "The Ash Tree"? -- From Anonymusrum

  19. Thanks everyone, I really love C&H and its nice to see so many positive responses to this.

  20. I would love to use this for a FB profile pic. I dont suppose that's alright with you?

  21. @Christopher-

    I'm fine with that if you give credit to me on the picture page or somewhere.
