Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Old Scratch

I had a conversation with a friend on which he remarked that lamas surely must be the devil's horse, which if that's the case, I say poodles must be the devil's dog of choice.

Happy Halloween!


  1. Doesn't Mephistopholes first appear as a poodle in Faust? That's all your proof right there.

  2. Hey man! My name is Nico, bass player for a small jazz fusion band from LA called King LLama.

    We recently reached 666 likes on our FB page, and decided to google "satan llama" to make a fun post about reaching 666 likes, and the 1st image we found was yours!

    Hope you don't mind us sharing it, we gave you credit on the comments

    You can check out our post here:


    Great art :)

  3. Hey man! My name is Nico, bass player for a small jazz fusion band from LA called King LLama.

    We recently reached 666 likes on our FB page, and decided to google "satan llama" to make a fun post about reaching 666 likes, and the 1st image we found was yours!

    Hope you don't mind us sharing it, we gave you credit on the comments

    You can check out our post here:


    Great art :)
