Saturday, February 6, 2010


My dog of 15 years, Cinnamon, passed away on Friday February 5th.
A month ago she was diagnosed with having a bone tumor on her pelvis. She has had difficulty walking since around the middle of November, and we found out that tumor was the cause, she was on heavy pain medication and that helped her for a while, but in the past 2 weeks her decline was rapid.

This isn't art, but I wanted to post pictures of her because she was such an important part of my life, every day she would be at my feet under my desk while I worked, and for the past many years she was the best friend anyone could ever hope to have. She loved you no matter what and asked nothing in return. She was more of a person to me than a dog.

I will miss her dearly and just wanted to share her with people who viewed my blog.
My wife and I chronicled her life on her own blog for the past year or so, you can see some more pictures there:

These pictures are some taken on the last day we took her to the park.

I love her so much.


  1. So sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful girl.

    Take care.

  2. I know how hard it is to lose a beloved pet. Thank you for posting the lovely pictures.

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss. She looks like a wonderful friend.

  4. I'm sorry for you and your wife's loss. Cinammon looks an adorable, sweet and beautiful dog.

  5. I'm so sorry for your loss - we lost our 16yo chocolate lab just before Halloween and it was heartbreaking.

  6. I have a 3 year old golden. So sad to read about her passing- but I am glad to see how well she was loved! That's the best life a dog can have!!

  7. I'm so sorry for you and Cinnamon...
    she looks like a really kind and beautiful dog. I lost my dog Lassie the same way, few people understood she was a real friend to me. I felt so empty when she left. I hope you will recover from this loss day by day...
    taje care, Elisabeth

  8. She is a very beautiful girl. I am sorry you had to loose her; but I am sure she will always be with you. I often feel that dogs are equal to, if not better than us people. Like the best of them, your Cinammon has the eyes of the truest and most courageous friend.

    With best wishes to you and your wife.

  9. Thank you everyone for the kind words. It means a lot to hear people saying nice things about her.

    She wouldve loved you all if she met you.

  10. Almost gave me a tear. Pets are family. I am glad you share this on your blog. Makes me appreciate them even more and I'm sure many others.

  11. What a soulful look. Ah. Dogs. I miss my boys one of whom left with cancer at 14. *cry*
