Thursday, May 13, 2010



  1. Hey, I've been looking through your flickr and blog and I have to compliment you. It's really good. REALLY. Where did you train?

  2. Thanks, I went to Art Institute of Seattle for 3 years, so I guess some training was there

    The rest by just constantly working on stuff ?

  3. This is hilarious. Did you make this? Or just find it "inspiring"?

  4. I made it.

    I see these kinds of things all over the interents, I don't understand why there are so many, but I figured I should be cool like everyone else and make one.

  5. well, I thought some training would be required, but of course there's validity in "natural ability." Your stuff just looked too clean to not have been polished somewhere. Keep it up, please - I really especially like the character art from horror stories. I found it by searching for the Tuunbaq, and then saw the others. Now I need to read them. Fantomas and Swine-Things looks really cool.

  6. Thanks a lot Humonculous, and you really should read House on the Borderlands by William H. Hodgson, thats what the Swine-thing is from, its one of my favorites.

  7. It was really gr8 post!
    thanks for sharing...
    I love it! :)

  8. Have you been to They give you the chance of submitting a slogan for a t-shirt, and if they pick it, they pay you $500. I thought of submitting this but remembered where I found it. I think you should submit it instead (if it is your original quote): you'd have a real fighting chance of winning the $500.
    P.S. Your work is awesome.

  9. Thanks Jeremy, I never thought about threadless, and yeah its my original quote.

    I'll submit and see what happens!
