Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Strange Case of Mr. Hyde #1

Today the first issue of The Strange Case of Mr. Hyde hit shelves! Huzzah!
Written by the brilliant Cole Haddon, and colored by the masterful Jim Campbell.

This is the first comic series I've done thats been published and boy was it a doozy but probably one of the things I'm most proud of accomplishing. I've certainly learned a lot about things and stuff while drawing it.

So if you like my art, which I'm guessing you do if your looking at my blog, and you like the history of Jack the Ripper and the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, please go pick up the first issue!  And of course stick around through all four issues, it will be good for your health! Go go go!

Here's an preview for you to taste and see

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Art Winners!

Thanks everyone for the suggestions!

Really, a lot of these were hilarious to read, you people have some wild ideas.
A few involved characters from books that I've never read and now want to so that I can know what on earth was being referenced. And some were just so over the top it would take forever for me to draw quickly like this, but I still should draw them, and maybe someday I will..

But, what follows are the five I chose to draw. They are all ink washed so when I send them you'll have an original piece. If you see yours email me at corleyms (at) yahoo (dot) com and I'll mail it out to you!

Thanks again for playing!




The Shawnzie

Megan Clark

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What should I art?

I haven't drawn anything non work related in a while, so how about you guys give me an idea of what I should draw (keep it PG please). Just make a suggestion of what to draw on this post and I'll pick a couple that sound fun and draw them, and if I choose yours I'll mail it to you for free.

How about that? Free art!

I'll choose on Wednesday the 20th so anything posted from now till then is fair game.

Thanks for all the comments guys! Great response for this, I'll probably do it again if I continue to have this kind of response.
I was just going to do two pieces but there are so many fantastic ideas I'm probably going to do a handful more. 
Check back later and see if I chose yours.