Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What should I art?

I haven't drawn anything non work related in a while, so how about you guys give me an idea of what I should draw (keep it PG please). Just make a suggestion of what to draw on this post and I'll pick a couple that sound fun and draw them, and if I choose yours I'll mail it to you for free.

How about that? Free art!

I'll choose on Wednesday the 20th so anything posted from now till then is fair game.

Thanks for all the comments guys! Great response for this, I'll probably do it again if I continue to have this kind of response.
I was just going to do two pieces but there are so many fantastic ideas I'm probably going to do a handful more. 
Check back later and see if I chose yours.


  1. well, since I have been in such a classic Doctor Who mood lately, how about my favorite, The 4th Doctor, Tom Baker and his robot dog K-9.

  2. I know you have done similar things in the past, but how about a Hobbit medley in honor of the film being started! It is one of my favorit books and i would love to see what you would do with the world, or what you would do with the cover! in case anyone else loves the movies, Peter Jackson just put up the first behind the scenes look which is at the top of his facebook page here:


  3. Portal! I don't think I've seen you draw very much technology before.

  4. You should do the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse from "Good Omens" by Gaiman and Pratchett. :-)

  5. Being the huge Ninja Turtle nerd that I am, I always love seeing any new take on the TMNT. How about a good old fashioned group shot of the characters in the TMNT universe?

  6. I saw the trailer for the new Planet of the Apes yesterday, and I'm so psyched for it and I've been trying to track down the old movies to watch.

    That said, I vote something with monkeys as well, even if it isn't Planet of the Apes related.

  7. The Venture Brothers time traveling in a phone booth.

  8. The Venture Brothers time traveling in a phone booth.

  9. Clint Eastwood's character 'The Man With No Name' standing in line at the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Perhaps eating an orange.

  10. How about Dante and Randal behind the quickstop counter, with jack nicholson buying cigarettes from them

  11. Draw Dante and Randal behind the counter of the Quick Stop with Jack Nicholson on the other side, buying cigarettes from them.

  12. Well... Ive always wanted someone to draw the robot from my 8yr old sons story:

  13. Do you know the blues singer Hound Dog Taylor? He's pretty great and he has a song called "Give Me Back My Wig" that I love.

    You could draw something inspired by that. Hound Dog is fertile ground.

  14. The oni's daughter, living down her father's infamy

  15. McDonaldland characters dressed in various costumes at a sci-fi convention.

  16. I have this picture of my friend pretending to jump around like a dolphin. I'd love to see him drawn busting out of the water swimming with dolphins. It'd be glorius.

  17. skeletor, evil-lyn, wasp (janet vaan dyne), spider-man, penny and brain (inspector gadget), at a picnic.

  18. skeletor, evil-lyn, wasp (janet van dyne), spider-man, penny and brain (inspector gadget), at a picnic.

  19. cast of Lost in a civil war enactment troop.

  20. A Young Carl & Ellie Fredrickson from UP.

  21. I miss Jay and Silent Bob. Maybe you could draw them with their orangutan Suzanne?

  22. How about another picture of you and your cat?
    It' morning time with you having a cup of coffee in your hand & your cat with a cute little yawn. :)

  23. A team of kittens working together to make a pony

  24. A team of kittens working together to make a pony

  25. A bunch of pirates and Foreign Legion soldiers fighting against cowboys and some tigers, lions and elephants dashing toward a girl tied to a submarine.

  26. Abraham Lincoln wearing steampunk gauntlets and goggles fighting Rasputin, who is wielding the sourcerous Staff of Ra. If you have time, you can add Lincoln's ally, the Autoviathan, which is a two-story robot that contains the severed head of Nikola Tesla floating in preserving liquid in the robot's chest.

  27. A sheep hiding in a wolf's fur, for a interesting reversal of roles.

  28. You should draw a two headed dragon, blowing fireballs at paper airplanes flying overhead.

  29. How about a Transmetropolitan, and Sandman mash up?

  30. Pip and the prisoner in the graveyard, from the opening chapter of "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens.

  31. I'd like to see Ira Glass and John Hodgman in a huge knock down lucha libra fight.
    Kermit and Fozzie as refs for a roller derby match between Miss Piggy and Janice. Please feel free to throw in more muppets!

  32. Artist Liu Bolin ( painted in to Springfield (Simpsons not Illinois).

  33. One of my favorites of yours is "Shipwrecked on Malta" - a biblical piece.

    I'd love to see what you could do with "The Conversion of Saul" Acts 9: 1-31

  34. Plastic Man and Dhalsim from Street Fighter eating pizza and giving each other a high-five.

  35. A samurai and his little daughter robbing a train with sheriff who's a cat trying to stop them and all the passengers have hi-tech gadgets and there are missiles flying around outside and there's an alien and a ghost and ummm hidden ninjas aaaannnd a dog about to eat the cat sheriff.

  36. I'd love to see a revisioning of the Rock Eater and his pals from The Neverending Story.

    Less simpleton and more stoic.

  37. Something from James and the Giant Peach. Because I am on a raging Roald Dahl kick right now.

  38. My stepmother and I have this keyword for one one another when either of us have a, "Duh.." moment. We call it "Pander" (nickname was conceived with little sleep on my part and, the offer of Panda Express on me Ma's part). I have also been labeled with the term, "Spun Cookies" after staring at a computer screen too long; in conclusion, I thought about paintin up a medium-sized canvas that will have a scruffy, crazed Panda(Pander)eating "Spun Cookies"....would love to see your rendition of that idea.

  39. Every other comment seems to be geekesque sooo.....boba fett as 'bounty hunter s. thompson'.

    that or something cryptozoology based. a field spotters guid type thing.

  40. Every other comment seems to be geekesque sooo.....boba fett as 'bounty hunter s. thompson'.

    that or something cryptozoology based. a field spotters guid type thing.

  41. There are a couple things:

    Idea A.
    I started having a reoccurring dream as a little girl, about 5 or 6 years old, and still have it to this day. I’m in my bedroom by the head of my bunk beds and just past the foot of the beds is a window. Reaching into the window is none other than King Kong (I assume it’s Kong. Perhaps it’s some other big ape, or not an ape at all, but a monkey, who knows?). He reaches into the window for me and I dive under the bed and grasping around trying to get me and I’m looking out from underneath and all I can see are big old ape (monkey?) fingers. Then I wake up. Seeing that come to life in one way or another in the form of a drawing would be amazing.

    Idea 2.
    I love rain. Rain in any form makes me absolutely giddy. It’s so underappreciated. Almost everyone I know gets grumpy and complains when the skies open up but not me. Give me a thunderstorm, a cup of tea, and a book and I’m in heaven. I don’t even care if I’m out in it; I even like to be. I love the feeling of taking a leisurely walk in the rain or in a storm. Feeling the drops hit me, smelling the freshness in the air and from the earth, hearing water meet the ground. Ah, there’s nothing like it. So what I’m getting at is that I’d love see an iteration of rain. A girl in the rain (without an umbrella), or in a house looking out the window enjoying the rain, or something akin to that.

    Idea D.
    You ever see the movie “Them”? It’s about giant mutant ants. What could be better? Huge ass ants.

  42. A skeleton unicorn leaping towards a full moon, with bats.

  43. A distinguished British colonel who also happens to be a lizard...with a steampunk inspired limb replacement?

  44. c3po getting leiea tattooed on his arm in mos eislie canteen!

  45. Rex the Wonderdog fighting Krypto the Superdog.
