Friday, August 12, 2011

The Boy Who Lived

I really loved the last movie, and am sad to see the series come to an end.
I had to make a piece to commemorate the end of an era, and surprisingly this is my first HP fan art (except for my penguin covers if you count that)


  1. Fantastic! I love it. And much like you I am terribly sad this saga came to an end. This is a very nice tribute. Well done.

  2. Fantastic! I love it. And much like you I am terribly sad this saga came to an end. This is a very nice tribute. Well done.

  3. I'm sad to see it end too. As great as the movie was, it was still just disappointing to know that was it. Love the piece you did!

  4. Ah! And here it is finished! Silly me. I knew your name but couldn't remember where from, then I came across you Potter book cover alternates, which I have loved and praised for years! Great work, pal.
