Friday, December 9, 2011

Art Giveaway results!

UPDATE: I didn't hear from the Jack or Hog winners by the 12th so here are two new winners. Contact me by Friday the 16th and I'll get them out to you.
Lori for JACK (email received)
TK for the HOG (email received)

          anothermarker for JACK
          ALynch for LINK (email received)
          Bailey for the HOG

Congrats to the winners!I had my wife call out 3 random numbers to choose, so all thanks to her.
Please email me your mailing address by the 12th and I will mail the pieces out to you. If I don't hear from you by then I'll choose another winner on the 13th so don't wait around. As I'm sure you've been holding your breath for the past week!

If you didn't win, just check back periodically as I plan to give away more original pieces in the future. My next post may even be some kind of free art, for those that are quick. *hint hint*

Thanks again for everyone who follows my blog.
I always appreciate the comments and encouragement!

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