Friday, October 12, 2012

Art Giveaway

Want some free art? Just comment below on what you'd like me to draw and I will pick 4 ideas I like, draw them, then mail the original art to you, for free.
Sound good?

I'll post the winners next Friday (19th). So come back and see if you won then.

If its a specific character or something, link me an image so I know what your talking about


  1. A woman's figure comprised of different shapes of Xs and Os.

  2. The Doctor, Amy, Rory and River Song dressed as a traditional Dungeons & Dragons party. Maybe Doctor as wizard, Amy as Cleric, Rory as Fighter and River as Thief.

  3. Could you draw Lone Druid from Dota 2 please? :3

  4. Sounds fun! How about a picture of me trying to read a book with my 10 year old and 20 month old on either side of me, trying to get my attention, while a fat grey and white cat climbs into my lap?

  5. Would love to see your take on Guts from Kentaro Miura's manga series Berserk.

  6. Since it is October, how about the leads of Friday the 13th: The Series in their Halloween costumes for the first season episode "Hellowe'en"?

  7. I would like something Wind-Up Bird Chronicle related. Possibly Toru with Mackerel, his cat, or possibly him passing through the world in his dreams. I'd even take an awesome cover related to your Hard-Boiled Wonderland print.

  8. the outlaw josey wales chopping off a zombie head with a square head shovel while the headless horseman throws a flaming pumpkin at him

  9. How about an elegant steampunk woman and man walking on a foggy London street. That would be awesome.

  10. A man turning into a giant werewolf?

  11. A Mexican He-man with a killer mustache holding his sword above his head. A mighty large muscular chihuahua complete with riding saddle as his battle pet by his side and in the sky as the sun a giant happy Danny Trejo smiling down at him in approval.

  12. Carnacki, Sherlock Holmes, and Dr. Silence standing in the Pentacle with some nasty Eldritch monster looming over them in the background.

  13. Thomas Carnacki as a Victorian/Steampunk-esque Ghostbuster

  14. SXGodzilla, you like Carnacki huh? Have you seen my Carnacki art blog?

  15. I had a dream recently that immortality could be reached in one of two ways, both of which involved drastically increasing the body's immune response and healing capabilities. The first led to a sharp decrease in the individual's ability to perceive pain, along with their senses in general. This muted perception of the world helped make the passage of time easier to bear, while also making them more detached from the world and less likely to get caught up in fleeting trivial moments. The second type was the exact opposite, leading to a sharp increase of all senses, including pain. The normal background pain every living person experiences just by being alive was heightened to an almost masochistic level, and healing, while fast, compressed all the pain involved with long term recovery from illness or injuries to just a few seconds. Nearly all immortals in the second category were dangerously insane, and those that survived typically did so by becoming adrenaline junkies. In the dream I had to choose between the two, and I honestly wasn't sure which I'd prefer. If you like, I'd love to see your artistic take on this dream.

  16. The BRAVEST of adventurers!

  17. Marvin the Paranoid Android from The Hitchhikers Guide!

  18. Very cool idea!
    I would like a montage scene with three characters. Kind of like the lower left shot here:

    I don't care if they are people or monsters or robots or a mix. This would be awesome to have!


  19. Harry Potter smoking a homemade pipe he made out of an apple. With Ron.

  20. How about some universal monsters out trick or treating or doing some other everyday task since its close to Halloween and whatnot.

  21. HR Giger meeting up with one of his creations

  22. The banana king addressing his subjects.

  23. A vampire with orange hair and a scar running down the right side of his face dressed in a black suit with a red cape is laying in a coffin with a spider somewhere on him/in the coffin ,while the coffin is surrounded by bookshelves with skull(s) on the bookshelves and A picture of a wolf on a section of the bookshelf that doesn't have any books! and maybe a window somewhere showing off the moon/night sky...with a blue police box hidden in the sky!

  24. A bat flying through the air holding a bird cage (similar to Tweety Bird's) containing a bat hanging upside down.

  25. I would like to see a picture of a couple of Jedi Knights getting their asses handed to them by Humphrey Bogart (Maltese Falcon era).

  26. I'd love to see you draw Optimus Prime flipping a table in anger.

  27. A child flying a kite on a windy fall day.

  28. A young girl superhero with cape and smirk, Batgirl style, swinging into action. Her sidekick cat jumping in with her.

  29. Fly chicks, kicks, and whips.

  30. A sea monster (or monster) found in ocean exapnses or unknown regions of old world maps.


  31. I'd like to see the Om fight from Fantastic Planet (, using either Dr Who: Rose & Mickey vs Amy & Rory (or, Rose & Doctor 10 vs Amy & Doctor 11) -OR- Star Trek: Picard & Data vs Kirk & Spock.

  32. Michael Fassbender as a Star Wars Scoundrel, à la Han Solo...


  33. Your interpretation of death / the grim reaper!

  34. Front side of this Panda warrior character I've drew. I never drew the front side at all. But it would be cool to see your take on it.

  35. A sword wielding curly haired barbarian woman battling a contingent of mirco space dragons led by their bizarre alien handler.

  36. Golden-haired warrior woman with "skull-encrusted feet" facing the brave adventurer who traveled great distances to find her. Definitely with a spear in there somewhere.

  37. Hello Mr. Corley. Thanks for your offer ! I'm sorry but i have a really bad english, i hope you could understand me.

    So : " Blue-grey dunes constituted by grains of sand-ice which rise as far as the eye can see. And in front of that, a tall man in cape of journey who have dark long and bristly hair which contemplate the Winter, of heavy frosty winds shaking this small world which offers itself to him."

    But hey ! You seem to understand french also, here the translation : "Des dunes d'un bleu-gris clair constituées de grains de sable-glace qui s'élèvent à perte de vue et devant, un homme en cape de voyage et aux longs cheveux noirs et hirsutes qui contemplent l'Hiver, de lourds vents glaciaux agitant ce petit monde qui s'offre à lui."

    Bye and thank you Mr. Corley.

  38. Hi Mike, this is Mr Coplin. As you know I am involved with Royal Rangers and Mentoring young men. I am now on National Staff for Frontiersman Camping Fellowship (an arm of Rangers) and my FCF name is Little Crow. I need to create a unique crow for my letterhead and give away coins.

  39. Little Crow- Email me at corleyms(at)yahoo(dot)com

  40. A squid and a whale playing chess.

  41. Batgirl, Supergirl and Wonder Girl ( beating Batman, Superman and the Flash in dodgeball (or anything really).

  42. I'm going to have to go simple this time, and say an Aztec mummy.

  43. I'd be very happy if I get a drawing of Boyka from the movie Undisputed 3

  44. If it's not too late, I think you should draw a little an army of little tiny tribal samurai riding flying squirrels and other nocturnal animals.
