Friday, January 25, 2013

Iron Dwarf

Here's my dwarf blacksmith, which is probably one of my favorite so far.

Concept art here
Original inks for sale here

Thats all for this week, I have some more I will post next week so stay tuned. 

ALSO I am looking for one other character idea so how about we collaborate? Leave a comment of any fantasy type character you'd like me to draw and I'll pick one if there are some good suggestions. When I post the chosen one (I'm thinking probably Friday), if its yours email me and I'll send you the original inks. So be sure to check back if you leave a comment. 

Sound good?


  1. How about a giant?

    Or I always like to see someone with a flaming sword.

    Or a giant with a flaming sword.

    Or a wizard, but not an old one. A really young one. Who is learning to use his or her powers.

    Werewolves are always good.

  2. A druid from a blighted land with his/her mutated animal friends.

  3. A small/young pixie type girl whose best friend is an albino alligator.

  4. A small/young pixie type girl whose best friend is an albino alligator.

  5. How about an old troll shaman with a wooden staff and wearing an assortment of runes and ornaments. Maybe with one gauntled arm.

    Ranger types with cloaks and leather fittings are always good too. Maybe a beardy ranger with celtic-inspired tattoos and a pet falcon.

  6. A black mage, his skin twisted, marked and corrupted by years of using dark magic that's tainted his soul.

  7. a dragon rider, lady about 25 years old with medium, jet-black hair.

  8. a dragon rider, 25 year-old with blue eyes and jet-black hair

  9. I have had the idea of an adventuring chef in my head for awhile. A dwarf that travels the land for rare ingredients and mighty, tasty beasts. He wields a massive cleaver for dispatching said beasts and a bandoleer of potent spices at his disposal, making him a worthy combatant and an even better chef when traveling to distant, dangerous lands.

  10. How about a half-orc former hexblade (Magic sword weilding warlock) turned swordmage(Which is sorta a D&D Jedi)?
    Or a gnoll hexblade?
    Or a hobgoblin assassin with a huge sword and an crude artificial arm?
    I would also like to second the werewolf and the lizardman.

  11. Drunk Hobbit...passed out under a tree...

  12. I like the idea of a drunk halfling passed out under a tree...

  13. I like the idea of a drunk halfling passed out under a tree

  14. Halfing barbarian riding a Bison / Buffalo.

  15. A noble Gnoll bard with his trusty lute.

  16. A wizard who uses the tattoos on his skin to activate his magic. Neat.

  17. How about a stone giant made of volcanic rock, ash and lava?

  18. @Mr. N. Visible- Ha! Thats similar to one I already drew for next week. A lava golem.

  19. How about a Native American Shawmin Hunter, who imbues the pelts of wild animals from the hunt with magical qualities, shape shifting the wearer to a Kodiak Bear or granting them the speed of a fox. He carries these pelts and masks around all strapped to his over stuffed satchel, and sells a trinket or two in each village he comes across.

  20. How about a Native American Shawmin Hunter, who imbues the pelts of wild animals from the hunt with magical qualities, shape shifting the wearer to a Kodiak Bear or granting them the speed of a fox. He carries these pelts and masks around all strapped to his over stuffed satchel, and sells a trinket or two in each village he comes across.

  21. @Graham - Already have a native American guy in the works, Not quite as clever as the description you gave him but with a similar shape-shifting theme.

  22. Awesome!

    well then for the competition what about a Grave Robber turned Sorcerer, who pilfers ancient Egyptian tombs to claim the souls of the dead and raid the remains of the pharaoh's magicians for spell scrolls and poisoned scarabs and such...

  23. Hey Mike,

    Knowing what you want to do with this packet of drawings, I'm going to take a broader approach with my suggestion here rather than a specific one.

    I don't know what all you have in your set that you haven't put up for this week but you've got a good mix so far. You've got a classic but unique take on a dwarf, you've got a female, you've got two undead, and a pretty atypical hero here. Based on the other comments I see you've got a native american and a lava golem lined up.

    So my suggestion is to consider what you're missing and fill in those gaps. Rather than a hero, maybe go for a beast, a landscape or location, or a more detailed close-up of a magical item. I think it would be a cool way to prove to whomever you might submit this portfolio to that you could do not just humanoid concept art, but some different stuff too.

  24. Hello M.S. Corley.

    Here is my idea for you:

    Draw an old dragon reading in a library covered in cobwebs. The only light is coming from a large fireplace with a large collection of ash all around it. In the background a small goblin is locating the next book for the dragon to read.

  25. Hello M.S. Corley.

    Here is my idea for you:

    Draw an old dragon reading in a library covered in cobwebs. The only light is coming from a large fireplace with a large collection of ash all around it. In the background a small goblin is locating the next book for the dragon to read.

  26. How about a stoic, african bushman/monk with several rings around his forearms and legs who carries a simple staff.

  27. I think a Steampunk Scientist would be quite interesting.
