Monday, August 15, 2016

Never Bet the Devil - Kickstarter

I think this is the first Kickstarter I’ve been a part of and I’m excited for it!
A hardcover collection of short stories by Orrin Grey, cover and interior illustrations by me and published by Strix Publishing.
If you like ghost or supernatural or horror stories, or if you like monster drawings, or if you like the feel of cloth bound books with gold foiling, you should totally support us.  
Orrin is easily the best writer of short fiction in the genre this day and age (in my humble opinion) and the only real modern supernatural work I will read. (and not just cause he’s a friend, he’s real good)
Even if you don’t like ghosts or books or reading or art, maybe you like me? Every dollar counts towards our goal, alternatively a share is nice too, to get this in front of someone who does like things.

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