Thursday, August 9, 2018


Dinah Kit Cat Corley
2009 - 2018

Today we had to say goodbye to Dinah.

She was the greatest friend to me and our whole family, I will miss her forever.

We got her 2 months after Cinnamon died, Lins brought home a cat because I wasn't ready for another dog. I was a self proclaimed dog person and did not care too much for cats at all, but then Dinah appeared. Being with her these past 8 years has meant so much to us, she kept us happy when our hearts were broken after Cinnamon.

When our daughter was born she was so kind to her and put up with so much rough handling in the early years that she never would have tolerated from us, because she knew that she was a baby and special to us.

When my son was born, we brought him home from the hospital and she just laid down right next to him as if she was protecting him.

She was always with us at every meal, sitting in her own seat, she waited patiently for her dinner at 5pm every day without fail. She would wake me up in the morning by pawing under the covers and curling up in my arms. And most memorable for me is that she sat or slept next to me or on my lap while I've worked from home all these years. A lonely job made okay by her being with me.

I read on a cats grave once the epitaph: "He was only a cat." But he was human enough to be a great comfort in hours of loneliness and pain.

Dinah you were that to us, thank you for letting me see you as more than a cat, a person that was always there to comfort us.

Thank you for everything you've done for us, all the love you've shown us. Thank you for making me a cat person. I will never forget you and the impact you had on our family. We lost you too soon.

I hope you always felt truly loved, right up to these final days and beyond.

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